August Favorites - Non Beauty

So earlier today I filmed and uploaded my August Favorites video. It is posted down below if you haven't seen it. I have wanted to do something where I talk about my favorites for that month that are not beauty related. So I am going to post that on my blog. so at the end of the month you can expect a link to my beauty favorites video followed by a non beauty favorites blog post. I am excited to talk about what I have been loving. So let's get started!

Breakfast at Tiffany's.
I have heard so many girls talk about this movie.
So one day at Wal-Mart I saw it for $5, 
and thought why not? 
So I picked it up. 
I loved this movie! 
If you haven't seen must!

 OMG Nutella!
I can't believe I didn't try this sooner!
It is simply...amazing!
The first time I tried it I felt like i was 
eating frosting...on bread.
It was good on it's own, but when I
paired it with bananas....HEAVEN! 

After months of wanting this CD I finally decided 
this month to pick it up.
I love just about every song on this album.
I love Katy Perry, and I could
probably do an entire blog post on my love for her.
Seriously though I am very happy
with this album, and have been playing it non stop in my car.
Favorite songs... Circle the Drain, and E.T.
By far the best songs to blast!

Cute kitten on a notebook!
I showed this in a recent haul.
I found this at Target in their dollar section
and just had to have it!
I mean really...who could resist this?

And those were some of my favorites for the month of August.
I didn't have too many, but hopefully next month I have more.
Hope you enjoyed this!

25 Facts About Me

So I was looking through the notes section on my Facebook and saw I posted 25 random facts about me about 2 years ago on there. So I thought I would do an updated one here. so let's begin!

1. My favorite color is pink

2. I am a total hello kitty addcit

3. I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 years

4. I love listening to loud music while driving & singing at the top of my lungs

5. I got my first tattoo when I was 24

6. I strongly dislike fake people

7. My dream vacation...Paris

8. I love photography

9. I completely messed up my high school years, and wish I could go back and do it again

10. I'm very emotional

11. I used to be terrified of I have 3

12. I don't like to watch TV

13. I love being outdoors

14. This is harder than I thought it would be

15. I love going to parks and playing on the swings

16. When I was 16 I literally ran down the school hallway and out to my car and left. They had the cops out looking for me.

!7. When I was 17 I smoked my first cigarette

18. When I was 20 I quit smoking

19. I met my boyfriend online and went to meet him for the first time at his family's farm house at 10 o'clock at dad thought I was at a friends house.

20. I hoped to be married and/or have a baby by age 25. I am now 27 and don't have either.

21. I am going to try to this end this thing on a lighter note.

22. My favorite place to shop is Target

23. My favorite flower is a lily

24. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be macaroni & cheese

25. My family means everything to me.

Haul: Bath & Body Works and Ulta

I did a little shopping today, and thought I would share with you what I got.

Let's start with Bath & Body Works. Today they held a special event for the release of their new scent Paris Amour. During this event with any signature item purchase you got a free gift. The free gift is amazing, but we'll get to that.

Of course my signature item choice was the
 Paris Amour fragrance mist.
I absolutely love this scent.
 This is the free gift.
A very cute pink makeup bag.

 I love the little Eiffel Tower charm.
And what was in the bag?

 A full size lotion of the newest scent Charmed life!
Let me tell you this scent...
This is how B&BW describes the scent.
"A positively sexy blend of juicy guava, sparkling pear,
and creamy vanilla musk, inspired by taking chances,
having fun and savoring life's fabulous moments."
There isn't anything about this scent that I dislike.

The next stop was Ulta. 
Of couse I can't take a trip to Ulta without making 
some kind of NYX purchase.
So I picked up a lipstick.

I chose Summer Love.

Summer Love is a nice nude lipstick
(what other color would I go for?)
I think I swatched about every NYX lipstick 
while in the store, and probably stood in the
NYX section for a good 20 I usually do.
Finally I spotted Summer Love, and fell in love.

After I finally made up my mind on the lipstick
I started wandering around the store.
I found a section of Ulta brand products that were marked down.
Of course I had to stop!
I found this really pretty nail polish.
It's a gold color, and it's gorgeous!
It's the exact kind of color I have been wanting.

So that's it! 
I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope you were also 
able to get into Bath & Body Works today!