Remember Me?

..You may or may not remember me. It's been a long time since I've posted anything, and there have been LOTS of changes in my life. Where to begin... February..I got engaged! We have been together for 9 years now and we're finally going to get married! I am so excited, but also a bit overwhelmed with all the planning that goes into a wedding. Maybe we should just elope... but then I wouldn't get to wear the gorgeous dress that it currently in my closet. (I didn't waste anytime on that part)

Let's see what else has happened.... AH YES!! I had a baby!! Out little girl was born in March and we couldn't be happier parents. She is truly a blessing and we just love her to pieces! She is now 3 months and just the most perfect baby ever! She is starting to smile more and more everyday and making lots of cute little baby noises.

I've said this many times, but I really want to get this blog going again. I have a new makeup/vanity setup that I can't wait to share.I miss talking beauty and sharing what I'm loving. I also want to post about different things..not just makeup. I want to share my wedding planning experience, and things i'm learning as a new mom.

Until next time....
  xo ~ heather

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